Sunday, August 17, 2008

TV Performance!

I've tried to put subtitles on this, but have failed miserably, so you'll just have to trust me that this was amusing. So, here I am singing the first versus of 我愛台妹:

I'm back in Philly, but still have like 800 pictures from Taiwan, so have plenty more to come!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Snake Alley

For one of my oral tests I talked about how awesome snake meat and chicken hearts were and suggested we should go out to grab snake meat as a class, since I was the only person who had been. So, of course, we did! It's right next to a Buddhist temple, so our teacher was kind enough to take us on a quick tour through it beforehand. If you're particularly afraid of snakes, you probably want somebody else to take a look through this for you.

After that, we headed over to snake alley:

In addition to the snake meat, you get a glass of (left to right) snake venom, snake bile, and snake blood. I have no idea what the pills in the snake blood are, last time I had snake blood there definitely weren't any pills floating in it. The blood is not pure blood, it's mixed in with something else and it has kind of a sweet taste. The venom and bile taste like paint thinner.

Typically when someone presents me with random pills I've never seen before, and then tells me that they're fine to take and that there's not going to be any side effects, I tend to avoid eating them, but who can say no when they're floating in snake blood?

Here's the main course:

It's actually fairly bland and tastes a lot like turkey:

Not everyone agrees with it so much though:

And in case you had any doubts it was actual snake, this is where we got the blood and bile from. We actually got to watch the full preparation process, but the sign above the snakes there says no pictures, though they let us take pics after we committed to paying for a meal. And no, the preparation process is not very sanitary.

Aside from snake, turtle was right next door, but morale for a turtle trip so soon seemed low. The semi-prepared turtles are under the lamp. No Taking Picture? We'll see about that:

My classmates! Minus the guy nobody really talks to. The two other white guys are American, the girl in blue is Korean American, the girl in purple is our teacher, the other girl is Japanese, the guy on the far right is Indonesian, and the last guy is Japanese as well. This picture is kind of misleading, since like 2/3 of the students at our program are from Asia, with only 17% from North and South America, so our demographic is a little skewed.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I could quite possibly be the person whose entire body is blocked out by the circle that says "wonderful."