Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Let me tell you the story...

I had my first TV performance! I'll post more when I have videos. (And after I've translated them...) I assure you, my description is not nearly as amusing as actually watching it should be.
I will say that my dancing was called very "liberal" twice, I almost knocked a girl over, I was spontaneously asked to do 5 different model poses, and sang the first verse of this song. (Up to about 1:15)

Also, (surprisingly), I did no handstands, did not break out any of Rain's dance moves (I wasn't wearing a jacket), or lay down for any poses.

Me being grilled.

While true that this is a typical "You got served" stance for me, I don't remember doing this at all.

Me performing, I think this was at the "we can kiss the sky" part?

Also, completely unrelated, but just for Kristine (and Annika too, I guess):

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


These are from a place called Ximending, which is basically like "West Gate." Supposedly it's more popular with the teenage crowd, so it's apparently kind of strange that I go here at least once a week, but I'm the foreigner, so I get to break the social norms!

Not so lively during the day, but there's an all you can eat restaurant that also comes with all you can eat Haagen-Daas ice cream for 13 dollars.

This is sort of the main entrance street. That giant KTV is directly to the right of this picture.

This is down the main entry street, the screen plays advertisements and some sort of entertainment related stuff.

This guy rolled that ring around and did all sorts of crazy acrobatics. It was awesome.

And at night it's hyper crowded!

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Mango shaved ice!

This one type of noodles called la mian. You can get all sorts of different types, this is one of the spicy seafood ones. There's a shop right next to our apartment and it's around $3-4 USD.

Some sort of black noodles with squid rings (the white rings). It was pretty good, though I have no idea what the noodles were.

I eat this for breakfast if I wake up early enough (never). It's sort of like a tortilla with an egg and this sort of bread on the inside.

It's a potato cooked in this giant stone hearth sort of oven. There's a fire in the center and the potatoes are put in little metal holders around the fire. It's kind of sweet.

Durian flavored ice cream. The ice cream doesn't really have a bad smell, and it tastes great. I have yet to try the actual fruit.

This is a sort of Korean dish. The metal disc is heated and you cook the meat on it, and cook the vegetables in the sauce around the edges. It's pretty good, but this was only a personal serving.
The ideal way to eat it is at an all you can eat location:

You get all sorts of different meats and vegetables, then you grill/cook them:

And then you dip the cooked meat (the little bowl) in the saucecof your choosing (on the right) and it's delicious!

Taiwan has a lot of all you can eat places, but this Korean one isn't so common. It focuses more on meat. The more Taiwanese ones are generally called "hot pot" and actually feature a pot with broth in it instead of a heated plate. There's more variety in the vegetables too and they're generally a bit more worth it. Next time!