Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Let me tell you the story...

I had my first TV performance! I'll post more when I have videos. (And after I've translated them...) I assure you, my description is not nearly as amusing as actually watching it should be.
I will say that my dancing was called very "liberal" twice, I almost knocked a girl over, I was spontaneously asked to do 5 different model poses, and sang the first verse of this song. (Up to about 1:15)

Also, (surprisingly), I did no handstands, did not break out any of Rain's dance moves (I wasn't wearing a jacket), or lay down for any poses.

Me being grilled.

While true that this is a typical "You got served" stance for me, I don't remember doing this at all.

Me performing, I think this was at the "we can kiss the sky" part?

Also, completely unrelated, but just for Kristine (and Annika too, I guess):

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