Sunday, August 9, 2009

College + Graduation

Few pics from senior year and graduation-

Unit Ops Lab: 4 hour lab sessions on applying chemical engineering concepts - I unfortunately seem to have lost the pictures of me mopping the floor. I spilled water more than anybody else in the section. Whoops. Damn well prepared for a janitorial career though.

Unit Ops Presentation: Our poster is awesome. It lost to my roommate's, which was glued together about 5 minutes before it was due.

Lounge - homework for something:

Studying - Reactor Design: The excitement is thick in the air

Studying - Process Control: Even more exciting

Double Dragon Chinese Food - I ate here at least 3 times a week.

Senior design projects - a semester to prove that you're a real chemical engineer... lots of time on the computer

Computer Lab - Saturday morning

Computer Lab - Tuesday night:

Computer Lab - Sunday morning

Reception for presentations - awesome. probably not worth the work.


Our group with our advisor


CBE Crew:

The cupcakes weren't really that good, but they WERE free.

This is a friend's brother's picture of a picture of myself (really) and said friend on the screen during the engineering slideshow. Pretty sure that blonde hair is my mom, which means our families were right next to each other for the ceremony. We're also both named Robert.

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