Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I grow fatter

Night vendor selections. Those flat disc things are some sort of fish (I think..) which are really good. The black things in plastic are pork blood, which is actually not bad.

This was rice with meat on top. It was Japanese style cuisine, though it also had Korean kimchi. It was quite good.

This was better. It was some sort of ultra thick milkshake type thing with soft serve ice cream on top. The entire thing minus the ice cream was mango flavored. Amazing.

This was actually Indian food, but it was $2 and still very, very good.

This is squid. It was a dollar and also delicious.

This was called "duck blood with stinky tofu." Coincidentally, that's what it was! The duck blood is that solid stuff under the green onion, and the tofu was under that. It smells awful, though it actually tastes decent.

If I actually gain any weight in Taiwan, it'll undoubtedly be because of this stuff.

A night market vendor's offerings.

These are from my previous trip, but the picture was better than the ones I took this time around. Chicken hearts! Possibly the most delicious thing on a stick ever. (Yes, even better than fried squid on a stick.)


Kristine said...

o.O something is better than fried squid on a stick??! BLASPHEMY!!!
...though the first thing I thought when I saw the squid picture was "We're all gonna die man." (bonus fried squid on sticks via the Internet if you get that reference)

Rob said...

I don't get it :(

And I'm not sure which one is better, so I just tend to get both!

Saria said...

sooo much pig everywhere! ewwwweeee....I truly couldn't survive in Taiwan! you having fun with the kids?